Zoe Lanel

Coming from a small suburb in New Jersey, ever since I was a little girl I’ve had a passion for creation. Whether it would be digital artwork, photography, sculpturing or painting, I have always been eager to refine my talents! Welcome to my portfolio.












Digital Design


Welcome to the nineteen-forties

1950 – USA

The ninteen-fifites, where consumerism flourished


The Years of the Disco


This is an emotional commentary on the past generations and how they were shown throughout print publications


A Horses Lancer

This was inspired by the 19th Century Painting ‘Red Lancer of The Imperal Guard’ by Theodore Gericault with a Livingston Lancer Twist

See More

Click the below link to see more of my paintings! 


The Venice Beach

A unique perspective of the warm california riddled with street art, ranging from the depth of the wall to the trees all the way to the lifegard towers in the distance – blissful chaos

Zoe Lanel

Class of 2020


Recent Work

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